Hey I drew this too! Weiß Kreuz FanArt
When you have characters as pretty as the boys in Weiß Kreuz, there comes an inevitable and irresistable desire to draw... and draw we do!
If you want your kick ass art whored here too, then feel free to Email Me. None of these pictures are free for nabbing, naturally, so mits off! :)

Yohji by Sakura!!
This lovely, open-shirt drawing of my yummy Yohji-kun was made for me by Sakura!
Yohji by Featherfire!!
Another yummy open-shirt picture of my Yohji-kun! This time it was made for me by my friend Featherfire, whose infatuation with anime boys is almost as scary as mine is... >:D
Farfarello and Dorei by Kat!
Can Farfie be too cute? He can if Kat draws him! *cackles* Here is Farfie and fan character Dorei by Kat, whose Weiß Kreuz fanworld can be found at her site No Longer Guilty. Woo!
Me and Yohji, by Kat!!
Here I am as human-EDP, eye-balling Yohji's goods!! >:) By Kat!!
Farfarello by me, antichrissy!
This is the first Farfie picture I ever drew in my whole life. Isn't that speshul? *coughchokegag* My style's completely different now, naturally, and I'm currently in the process of drawing a doujinshi for Kat (the Cute Farfie girl above). Hopefully someday the dj pictures will be on this page, too!
Farfarello and Aya by me again!
If I screamed "DO IT!!" any louder the neighbors would call the police. This is my second WK drawing ever (I think) and I was going to keep it but decided to give it to Damasu. :)
Kawaii Omi-kun by Flicker!!!
My friend Flicker is such a damn good artist! She's not as in to WK as the rest of us, but she certainly draws them well.
Chibi Weiss Boys by Flicker!!!
More art by Flicker, and this time we have little Omi, Aya and Yohji chibis!! *shrieks* I've already begged for pictures from Flicker and eagerly await them, heheh.

Farfie Luvs You!

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