What better to balance out the guys from Weib than the guys from Schwartz? Weib means White in German, Schwartz means black in German. It's so clever, I might die. Naturally there are four Scwartz boys, just like there are four Weib boys so that they can break off and fight each other one on one. Aya vs Brad, Yohji vs Schuldig, Ken vs Farfarello, and Little Omi vs Little Nagi. They seem like perfect pair-offs until you realize, waitaminute, those damn Schwartz boys have magic powers? WTF? How horribly unfair! How will our heroes manage against such odds? No it's not a joke, the Schwartz boys are speshul. Mr Crawford can see into the future, Schu-schu can read minds, Farfie is immune to pain (or just likes it, woo!) and Little Nagi uses telekenesis! (there is no spoon!)