Crashers Knight and Ran

This stuff makes me nervous. Crashers Knight and Ran is a radio drama about a pre-Weiß assassin group. It has a manga/ doujinshi stink to it, and I have a difficult time with the pictures. Some of the pictures are delicious, artistically speaking. There are some very nice drawings of very pretty boys, but I don't like the character design as it pertains to Aya.
In this prequel, we know Aya by his real name, Ran. There's a group of assassins named for pieces on a chess board, and I think they're run by Kritiker just like Weiß is.
Ran vs Aya! There are some very obvious differences in character design, and Ran is actually very, very appealing... but wrong!
Knight and Ran
*drools* If this was completely unassociated with Weiß Kreuz, I'd love it unconditionally.
There are times when Crashers' Ran looks a little too effeminate. Aya is pretty, but doesn't look like a complete pussy. I just hate that picture of Ran.
Knight and Ran having a cat-fight! Kiss! Do it!
Okay, I like this picture.
Other CharactersPawn: the pre-Omi!
The characters vaguely remind me of King of Fighters or something... body proportions look weird in some cases, and their clothes sometimes are... shall we say: outrageous?

Some of the other characters include Knight, Pawn, Rook, Bishop, and Queen. Where Ran fits into the chess game, I've yet to figure out.
Some of it I really like, the art is nice and the boys are fairly pretty. I'm just glad they kept the anime style in Season Two more like Season One and less like Crashers Knight and Ran...

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